(Last update: 01.11.24)

Visiting truGym 

Members that journey to us wanting to use the carpark, must adhere to the following: 

  • Sign in registrations in on the Smart Parking Tablets provided or register vehicles via the QR codes on posters positioned around the club. 

  • Park sensibly, SAFELY and respectfully to other users, including those that walk or cross the carpark.

  • Avoid littering or fly tipping with rubbish.

  • Respect our non-smoking policy across all of our premises.

  • Support and protect fellow members, by driving and parking with care. Especially the Elderly or those with children who may need your patience. 

  • Report those that do not adhere to the above. 

Smart Parking Car Park Management. 

Voiding a parking fine requires investigation and is not guaranteed.We can only forward on grievance. 

The system is part of the terms of membership, and serial offenders will not be subject to investigation or granted exemption

Registering  number plates can be done prior to leaving the carpark. Forgetting to register after exiting can be rectified  to avoid fines within 48hrs via the email below. 

Queries or requests can only be processed via email to:  trugymthorpebay.reception@gmail.com

Management was put in place for all reasons listed further below. 

  • UPDATE 05.09.24: All members were sent an email outlining changes from 1st September. Voiding parking fines will no longer be standard. Proof of extenuating circumstances must be provided.

Usual Q’s or complaints (hopefully) answered….

  • No profit is made by truGym.

  • Smart Parking is a 3rd party who manage the system. 

  • We looked at many systems over the past 10 months to try and integrate with your clubright app but were unsuccessful. 

  • Yes, it has worked! It's made a huge difference!! No, it is not just the schools that cause issues. And some of the problems impact on the safety and welfare of our staff when ensuring the carpark is a clean & safe environment for users.

  • UPDATE 19.12.23 : Q/A Yes, we have lost members as a result of installation. So far, 15. We are always sorry to lose members, and wish them well in their new fitness facilities.

  • UPDATE 23.12.23: Q/A: Issues were Travellers, Driving Instructors, School drop offs, Fly Tipping, Car Meet Ups, Dog Walkers, and unsolicited / illegal activities.

  • UPDATE 28.12.23: Q/A: We process legitimate fines as soon as they are received via email. Notes are made on memberships. Should fines be continuous, truGym will not negate them. Cancelling charges prioritises Members over non member visitors. All external visitors receive information from the company they are onsite to see. When a fine escalates,  this is down to Smart Parking not processing our email quick enough. We will chase and resolve when you email us the details.

  • UPDATE 04.01.24: Q/A: Some members who come to truGym daily have approached us with the idea of a monthly fee for adding their registration to a white  list that means that they don’t have to sign their car in every visit. We are looking into  how we could manage this, as we have to negotiate with Smart Parking. Yes, there would have to be a fee to cover costs. It  would require staffing monthly checks and potential payment chases on the system. If  you are interested please email us. Spaces may be limited, depending on the  outcome with Smart Parking meeting. 

  • UPDATE 06.02.24: Q/A Yes, we have lost a few more  members due to the lack of support from Smart Parking whilst dealing with DRP. Now 18. We hope they will return when ready, and will ensure they are welcomed as existing members.

  • UPDATE 16.02.24: LETTER FROM MGR: We have hopefully reached a resolve, and as such a letter will be sent out to those still receiving letters from DRP.
    UPDATE 14.07.24: The parking system has been in operation for over a year. Please ensure that you enter your details correctly. It is part of your membership terms, therefore, we may not be able to assist in cancelling a fine. This will be for certain if a member continually offends.

    UPDATE 05.09.24: All members will have received an email outlining changes from 1st September. Voiding parking fines will no longer be standard unless proof of extenuating circumstances is provided.